IBM研究人员在IBM研究电池实验室工作,结合和测试独特的材料和配方,以实现更可持续的电池技术。[来源]大多数商用电池内部都有一些金属。常见的电池类型,如锂离子电池、铅酸电池或镍镉电池,都含有一系列的重金属。虽然不是所有的电池都有同样的毒性,但某些材料[...] 。

可回收/无毒电池 Read More »

  On this episode of MarketScale’s Software and Technology podcast, host Tyler Kern was joined by Arbin Instruments International Sales Manager, Richard Rogers.Arbin has provided testing equipment for energy storage applications large and small for over 29 years and, with a decade of experience, Rogers is uniquely qualified to highlight the ever-shifting nature of that

电池测试设备的创新是如何加速电池发展的 Read More »

Self healing batteries have been a notable area of battery research and development in the past few years, especially as research around the dendrites and how they affect performance has also grown. Since batteries run on chemical reactions, there are certain side effects that people may not have much control over. The gradual build up

我们能否制造出能够自我修复的电池? Read More »

By now, you’re familiar with the wave of electric vehicles (EVs) sweeping across the globe – they’re a forward-thinking, environmentally conscious option that many have come to associate not only with sustainability, but with aesthetics and performance. But, when you close your eyes and envision the future of our shared roadways, how often do you

一辆电动卡车?当然可以!它可能是你的完美选择 Read More »

The strain on the global economy and infrastructure as COVID-19, or coronavirus, continues to spread is enormous. Healthcare entities need to find ways to handle increased demand and the need for effective telemedicine, the United Nations predicts a potential $2-trillion dip in the world’s economy as a result of the pandemic, and industries the world

电池在COVID-19大流行期间提供关键支持 Read More »

*  Upon arriving in 2015 in Back to the Future Part II, Marty Mcfly changes into the outfit of the future. His Nike sneakers lace themselves up, automatically adjusting to fit his feet perfectly. His jacket shrinks to fit his arms and even has a self-drying function that is activated after he jumps into the

我们有智能服装的技术吗? Read More »

Modern innovations have made all sorts of things achievable in the realm of power, and one of the most exciting developments is the potential benefits to be gained by leveraging storage integrated into electrical grids. Development in battery technology is making those integrations possible. With integrated storage, electrical grids can store energy generated during high-production,

利用电池存储为电网带来好处 Read More »

With the current push to integrate more environmentally-friendly practices into how we approach energy consumption, the need for sustainable energy solutions to evolve and keep up with the changing trends and developments in technology are more important now than they have ever been. One possible answer to this need is the development of solid-state batteries.

关于固态电池你需要知道的3件事 Read More »

When it comes to batteries, often times energy and power density are thought to be one and the same – a battery with high energy density would be a powerful battery as well. In fact, energy density and power density are very different things. Energy density relates to the amount of energy that can be

电动工具: 功率型和能量型之间有什么区别? Read More »
