
Tesla Gigafactory

Michael Wolf, Penig, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons 

In 2019, the European Commission presented an ambitious strategy for sustainability – the European Green Deal, which aspires to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by the year 2050. Along with 恢复一个健康的环境在这个广泛的计划中,目标包括保护野生动物和创造新的经济机会。绿色协议由一系列可持续发展的里程碑组成,涉及农业、纺织业、建筑业、运输业以及能源等不同行业。 


Better energy solutions are a key aspect of the Green Deal. Its initiatives seek to establish a reliable and affordable energy supply, build a fully integrated EU (European Union) energy market, and prioritize overall energy efficiency. With energy production and use accounting for most of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, the transition to renewable, efficient energy sources is a critical part of the European Green Deal. 

特别是,欧洲绿色协议强调需要减少二氧化碳的排放。交通运输是这个问题的一个重要部分,因为有多达1/3的人认为交通是最重要的。 25% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions 导致运输的结果。为了进一步加快采用拥有零排放的电动汽车(EV),欧盟已经提出了一项关于电动汽车的建议。 从2035年起禁止使用新的化石燃料汽车. 

这些 "绿色交易 "倡议加剧了公众对环境问题的高度关注和对电动汽车需求的增长的压力。对可持续能源系统的日益重视意味着对支持电动汽车行业和其他可再生能源解决方案的研究和生产设施的需求更大。 


One solution to this growing need is the introduction and propagation of gigafactories. As indicated by their name, these production facilities dwarf the size of typical factories and are designed to meet massive research and production needs. Tesla, whose CEO is credited with the invention of the term “gigafactory,” started construction on the very first one in June 2014 near Sparks, Nevada. At only 30% complete, the facility has 5.3 million square feet of operational space and is intended to supply lithium-ion batteries for a 计划每年生产50万辆汽车. 

Other gigafactory projects have followed, looking to address the current and anticipated demand for EVs and other sustainable energy solutions – particularly in Europe. As part of its mission to develop the world’s greenest battery cell, Northvolt established the 电池Gigafactory Northvolt Ett 在瑞典。在德国柏林,特斯拉计划完成其 第一个欧洲的千兆工厂 今年,该公司将同时生产电池片和汽车。 

这两个宏大的工厂只是欧洲国家千兆工厂发展的开始。 20多个欧洲千兆工厂项目 计划在未来几年内完成,重点是电池技术。按照计划,这些设施将提供 到2030年,电池容量超过1,000 GWh(千兆瓦时)。领先于基于当前政策的预期需求。未来几年标准的加速将使这些需求和能力数字更加接近。即使有大规模的生产能力,到2040年,这些千兆工厂也可能达不到预计的产量。 欧洲的电动车电池需求。 

Arbin’s Response to the Needs of Gigafactories 


像最新的千兆工厂那样规模的生产设施需要对电池测试设备和测试产生的结果数据进行有效管理。 Arbin’s Central Monitor and Control Solution (CMCS)允许从一台电脑上控制多个电池测试器,包括启动、停止和恢复测试的能力。CTI(Console TCP Interface)接口也允许第三方控制Arbin电池测试设备。对于数据管理,我们的中央数据解决方案(CDS)提供了将数据备份到中央网络或云端服务器的能力,以用于专用分析程序。 

Our dedicated Arbin Europe office is also positioned to help meet the continent’s increasing energy research needs. The team’s knowledge of the battery industry in Europe allows the team to effectively address the unique needs of each organization in the countries that they serve. As both the Sales and Support Teams have expanded, new team members allow Arbin Europe to assist customers more efficiently in designing and implementing complete testing systems that meet their specifications. 


欧洲对电动汽车和其他清洁能源解决方案的需求不断增长,大大增加了电池测试和生产的规模。由此产生的千兆工厂的兴起需要Arbin仪器提供的那种可靠的、精确的测试设备和有效的管理解决方案,并得到Arbin欧洲团队的专业协助。想了解更多关于Arbin仪器的信息或开始建立你的测试系统。 今天就联系我们的销售团队. 


